Ukázkový tým Karate Spartak Hradec Králové předvádí všechny prvky karate - od základních technik, přes kata až po sportovní kumite, sebeobranu či přerážecí techniky. V posledních letech se ukázkový tým Karate Spartak zaměřil také na prvky Saisho Ki Do - tvrdého systému boje, založeného shihanem Danny Hazanem v Izraeli. Cvičenci Karate Spartak také předcvičují ukázky vlastního kondičního systému K-aerobik.
V roce 2006 se klub Karate Spartak prezentoval na velmi prestižních akcích jako byly Samurai Budoshow 2006 v královéhradeckém kongresovém centru Aldis či Pardubický superden na dostihovém závodišti.
Ukázkový tým pro rok 2006:
Kamil Guzek, Ivo Šroler, Jiří Kotala, Pavel Švojgr, Ivana Kučerová, Radka Krejčová, Jana Basetlíková, Richard Tesař, Lukáš Polzer, Jakub Vejvoda, Filip Kopecký, Dan Kopecký, Zdeněk, Křivka, Štěpán Křováček
diskuse: 3 reakcí
Autor: Swed | 10.11. 2005, 15:10:28
| odpovědět
Předmět: Ukázky |
Měli jste to štěstí a viděli jste některou z ukázek Karate
Spartak? Líbili se Vám? Popřípadě byste rádi, abychom pro
Vaši organizaci(školu, ..) nějaké připravili? |
Autor: jGPasPnaThGDfkGtj | 20.04. 2012, 07:43:21
| odpovědět
Předmět: fpQuWmoSGRSAdWs |
On 22nd May you claimed that rurpate had come but no one
noticed, now you write It doesn’t take a genius to know
that the Rapture did not come on May 21 .Are you therefore
saying that it doesn't take a genius to know that your
own claims of 22nd May that it had come were completely
false?Have you forgotten what claims you've made? Now
you're completely contradicting yourself. |
Autor: wTjOHstzKDFxA | 20.04. 2012, 19:34:23
| odpovědět
Předmět: ZGUrwIRwoojbLC |
there is no reason a sohdan (1st degree) should ever open or
even run a school on their own,especially with only 5 years
of training. The problem is that most schools today promote
people quickly to black belt, convince them that they can
teach, convince them to open a school…simply so the main
school can have more cash flow. These types of schools just
do not care about the quality of training and especially of
the instruction. The ATA is notorious for doing this very
thing and worse…once the school hits a certain amount of
students (income) they promote the instructor quickly up to
3rd dan so he doesn't look like a fool when compared to
other higher ranks teaching at their competition's
schools.One of the first questions anyone should ever ask is
how long an instructor has been studying and then how long
they have been teaching. They should also be able to verify
any claims made by certificates and asking for
references….but even then you have to be careful because
some schools, like the ATA, will give you a list of people
to call for verification and references and many times the
person you call barely even knows the person you are
inquirying about.This same thing happened in a town about 30
miles from me two years ago. The school built up quickly and
then one of my black belts who is a registered 4th dan
opened up a school since it was his hometown. My black belt
has trained for 18 years straight. This other school went
out of business in eight months because that |
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